The publishing company of "Spiral Cloud Publishing" is an incorporated Creative Cloud which was originally established to allow Borealian citizens to self-publish videos and writing into the Borealian Intranet.
Spiral Cloud was founded in 1645 GE as a way to allocate content into the form of a weekly digest, featuring various creators. It received special social credit allocation from the Council of Faculties of Borealis and uses this credit pool to employ people looking to fulfill their social quotas, which are a requirement for advancement in most faculties.
The faculties, of course, are university faculties, since Borealis is one gargantuan university city.
A Head In the Clouds
Since the Declaration of Existential Independence in 25 GE, nearly 17 centuries ago, applied
magic research, technamagic research, and the practice of magic of any kind has been both illegal and more or less impossible in Borealis, the latter thanks to their permanently active industrial strength
DVF suppressors.
The incredible machines completely normalize the base De Vries Field of the
Great Clockwork and any person within their area of influence, an area covering the entirety of Borealis and a good stretch beyond its city limits, nullifying magic as effectively or perhaps even more so than the magic of the
This is the reason the public has romanticized the idea of magic ever more intensely over the course of the past centuries, and it has lead to a steady rise in popularity for fantasy writing and historic fiction dealing with anything from the
Old World to the beginning of the Age of Gears and Elements.
Short stories and novels of mighty mages and their exploits have ever garnered the favor and captured the hearts and minds of the citizens of Borealis, and as such, Spiral Cloud Publishing has aimed to provide, scanning through the vast Creative Cloud of Borealis and featuring works primarily from these genres that deal with magic, historic events, and the daily lives of the backward people of the Corsic Ocean and the Great Land. There even have been regular waves of Nordic fiction, romanticizing the "barbaric" tribes of the High North and their savage gods.
Get Your Content
Spiral Cloud Publishing is cleared for pushing their publications into public data access terminals. Here, citizens can quickly assimilate the newest creative digests from SCP using one of the currently popular methods of fast machine-human information transfer:
Fast Cognitive Transfer relies on the use of Field-of-View Optimized Occularies (FO²). When a citizen puts on the eye pieces at a local public data access terminal, a fast stream of images, specifically text pages, will be broadcast to their eyes, using eye-movement tracking software and special field-of-view optimization to very quickly present the entirety of the to-be-transferred content to the recipient. Thanks to Borealis's mandatory gene editing policy, each citizen has a highly efficient eidetic memory and once the pages have been seen, the recipient can mentally digest (i.e. read via remembering how they look) them at their leisure.
EADI is a Enzyme Accelerated Data Injection, which encodes the to-be-transferred information in genetic memory to be added to the recipient's information bladder, an organ that every Borealian possesses thanks to the mandatory gene editing policy of the city. The amount of space required is usually minuscule due to the high compression rate and information density of genetic code, so the injection is quick and painless, and special messenger enzymes speed up the encoding process significantly, meaning the new content can be accessed via the recipient's information bladder within minutes.
People will often be seen next to public data access terminals with blank stares just after the newest SCP digest has been released, a side-effect of accessing one's information bladder, since memory decoding from the genetic storage is far slower albeit more reliably accurate than cerebral memory.
The satirical comparison to mindless drones or automatons of these people, enjoying their content, has been made by many contemporary comedians and satirists in Borealis. However, the Public Health and Safety Commission has noted that the same jokes and critiques have resurfaced periodically whenever new information technology has become widespread in Borealis's past.